What a night! The CFFA probably had one of its biggest nights in its short history, hosting the esteemed writer, fly guide, editor of FlyStream and now movie star Philip Weigall.
Philip took time out of his busy schedule to help support the local fishing community by showing us one of his recent projects.
Fly on the Water, staring Philip Weigall and directed by Jane Harris, was a perfect description what it is to be a fly fisherman. From the subtle takes of the brown trout on the Mita Mita River in NE Victoria, to the picky but massive rainbows at Millbrook Lakes, Philip captures the essence of fly fishing in a 55 minute production that covers both the basics of fly fishing, to the head scratching an experienced fly fisherman will endure from time to time.
Philips dedication, knowledge and articulation are key to this movie being a success. Just like his books, his depiction of what is and what could have been truly stirs the mind, which leads to one planning their next trip in spring.
The CFFA would also like to thank Philip and The Fly Fisher Online donating a number of raffle prizes on the night.
1st Prize:
Philip’s wonderful book, Fishing Sense:
2nd Prize:
A year long subscription to Philip’s online digital magazine FlyStream.
Thank you to all the attendees, with a special thanks to the Bendigo boys for making it down again and JJ for coming all the way from Geelong.
Until next time guys. Please keep an eye out for our GM event in August, where Andrew Fuller from the The Fly Fisher Online will be our guest speaker, talking tackle.